martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016


Catalan verbs are organized in three conjugation classes, one of which has two subcategories, giving the four types shown in the table below.

Both the regular and the irregular verbs are divided into these three conjugations, with the main defining characteristic of the irregular verbs being variations in the stem. All verbs are inflected for person and number. There are six forms: the first, second and third person in singular, and the first, second and third person in plural.

This is the present tense. The present tense is used for actions and states that happen at the present time or in the immediate future

The best way to learn is by practicing. This exercise will help you.

 Write the correct form of the verbs in the Present:

  • Neteges la teua casa a sovint? Què és el que t'agrada més i el que t'agrada menys: rentar els plats, traure la pols, parar taula...?
  • Quantes rentadores poses cada setmana?
  • Escoltes música? Quina?
  • Llegeixes algun llibre actualment? Quin?
  • Mires la televisió? Què mires habitualment?
  • Fas esport? Quins esports practiques?
  • Toques algun instrument?
  • T'agrada ballar? On balles normalment?
  • Escrius cartes?
  • Tens gos? El traus a passejar sovint?


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